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Dental Bulletin

4 Beverages You Need to Steer Clear to Avoid Orthodontic Problems

If you're looking to avoid orthodontic problems, keep away from these drinks! To maintain a healthy, beautiful smile, stay at arm’s length from these beverages:

Sports Drinks

Nothing beats the thirst after a tiresome basketball game better than a big gulp of your favorite sports drink. It is a very refreshing beverage, especially after a sweaty workout. But don’t let its thirst-quenching effect fool you. A typical sports drink is high in sugar, just like soda and candy. The sugar content can create an acidic effect on the enamel of your teeth. You’re in for some tooth decay if you consume too much of it frequently. In lieu of this sugary beverage, why not chug water? It’s sugar-free and zero-calorie, too!

Fruit Juice

Loaded as it is with vitamins and antioxidants, fruit juices are also loaded with sugar. Be on the lookout for fruit juices that are laden with the same sugar content as soda. To reduce the sugar, you can dilute your juice with water.


Drinking coffee is one of the easiest ways to cause discoloration of your teeth. But with the recent advances in teeth whitening, the unsightly stains can be easily removed and treated.


Red and white wine are two of the biggest culprits that cause tooth decay. The acid in red wine can eat away the enamel of your teeth as well as cause stains on the surface. Red wine contains substances such as tannins and chromogen, which triggers the discoloration of the teeth. You might think you’re spared from the teeth discoloration with white wine, but its acids can still weaken the enamel. Remember to swish with water or brush your teeth to fight off the wine’s ugly effects on your teeth.

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